I've been with my hubby for a long time now, so I figured id have the "new wife challenge" under control and focus mainly on becoming a mom ... Wrong! With becoming first time parents comes an entirely new lesson plan on getting to know one another AS PARENTS. All I can say is keep it interesting...continually let the other person know you love them even though acclimating to this new lifestyle causes MASS stress...let your husband know that he still means just as much to you as he did before the baby, if not more!...make time for date nights (this is a biggie)...pick your battles...ask for his help...communicate!...remind him that you're not crazy, that your hormones are outta whack from just having a baby. If he says, "dang, still?" Be like "yupp"!...apologize...tell your baby how much his daddy loves him when you're up for those late night feedings and you're a little heated that HE didn't get up instead (it helps trust me)...go see family a lot together with your new baby: it feels good to show off your little one as hubby and wife!...communicate (that deserves to be said twice)...think about the feelings you had on your wedding day as often as you can...most of all LOVE one another and say it all the time!
I don't claim to know it all...but I'm learning what works and what doesn't! I've only been living this "new life" for 3 months and all I can say is that I definitely count my blessings on the tough days!