Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Favorites after 3 months

 Well, it's been a little over 3 months since I gave birth to my glorious little chunk and I have definitely acquired some "favorites" along the way. On my facebook page ( I wrote a few reviews on products that I have tried, however, I have grown to REALLY like a select few!...I feel every mommy should have them. 

1. Nuk Pacifiers: The hospital gave us a TON of the Avent pacifiers that are just the nipple, no little handle, and my baby wasn't a huge fan. I received some of these as a gift for a shower, and thank goodness that I did! Crue loves them and they come in really cute color combos and are reasonably priced. Every baby will like a different type of pacifier, but these work best for mine...Too bad too because I really like those Wubanubs! (Nuk)
2. Medela Quick Clean Bags: LOVE LOVE LOVE! These are great for all of those tiny bottle parts, pacifiers, breast pump accessories etc! All you have to do is rinse off your parts with hot water, place the objects in the steam bag, pour 2 oz of water into the bag, and pop in the microwave for a few minutes! Once they're finished steaming, I place all of the parts on my bottle rack (which I also love) and let dry (Munchkin bottle rack). These save me SO MUCH time in the mornings when I'm trying to get ready for work and get out the door. You get 20 uses out of each bag too! (Medela bags
3. "Bouncy Chair": I never registered for one of these but ended up receiving one as a gift at one of my showers. At first I planned on returning it, but I am sure glad I didn't!!! Who would've thought the most inexpensive little chair would end up being Crue's favorite?! As a newborn, he didn't like his swing too much or anything else...So I opened this baby up and he LOVED it! Still does! I can put it on the counter while I'm cooking, he watches TV with us at night, and falls asleep in it a lot of the times as well. I definitely recommend purchasing one of these! It's a must in our house! (Bouncy Chair)
4. Prince Lionheart Wipe Warmer: I didn't think this would come in handy but it does! It was suggested to me by my mother-in-law and I am so glad I registered for it. It's not too pricey, and Crue just LOVES his warm wipes...especially for those middle of the night diaper changes! All you have to do is make sure the pad it comes with is damp, load up a full package of wipes and shut the lid! The wipes take about 30min to warm up. I love it so much that I am considering getting the travel warmer as well! (Wipe Warmer)
5. Gas Drops: I found out I loved these when I realized I had a colicky baby. No one really knows the real reason colic exists, but I could tell it was all about gas troubles for my little one. These work like magic!! They take a bit to kick in, but when they do, I have a much more relaxed baby. As his pediatrician says, "They turn the big bubbles into tiny little bubbles"...therefore, he can pass them easier. The main ingredient in these is Simethicone...You can find it in many gas drops for babies, but I favor this one the best...I tried the "all natural" drops and a few others, but this one worked best for him. (Gas Drops)

6. Gerber Good Start Formula- Soothe: I had to start supplementing with my son early on (long story best saved for a different post) and had no idea where to start when it came to choosing the right formula. His pediatrician only recommended Similac or Infamil...both of which gave Crue major tummy troubles. A friend of mine was using this and said it worked great for her baby and Crue's pediatrician suggested I use a probiotic for Crue...Well this had just that! We've been using it for a long while now and it's great! It keeps him regular with the help of 3 oz of pear juice every morning (suggested by his doctor). (formula)
7. Dr. Brown's bottles: When I was on the hunt to solve Crue's colic, I switched up his bottles AND formula at the same time. Which really solved it? I have no clue, but it was solved so I didn't think twice about it...Mom's who have had a colicky baby get what I'm saying here! I honestly think it was a combo of both. Anyway, these had rave reviews and guarantee to keep air from entering the nipple which inturn prevents belly aches. I was using Breastflow bottles before to prevent nipple confusion but when you have a colicky baby you will try ANYTHING to help him feel better! These did just the trick! (Dr. Brown bottles)
8. Bottle warmer: This is pretty self explanatory! I love this so much that I pack it up with me every time I know I'm going to be at one place for a long time. Crue loves his milk warm and I honestly think a warm bottle prevents belly aches...well it does for my son. Doesn't matter which brand you get just get one! I love my First Years one though...My mom has one as well for when he's over there during the day. They're inexpensive and still work just as great as the first day I used it. (Bottle Warmer) -- I have only needed to use the cooler portion once so I was glad I bought the one with it...I was out of town, had to stay upstairs of my uncle-in-law's home, and to prevent making a ton of noise during the night, I just put a couple bottles in the cooler and it worked out great when Crue woke up! 
9. Johnson's Shea butter wash: I used the regular Johnson and Johnson baby wash when Crue first started getting his baths and it dried him out TERRIBLY!! It also made his baby acne worse. I noticed it drying my hands out as well so I dug this out of a bin that I have full of gifts/extras. It SAVED his poor little baby skin! We still use it to this day and I don't plan on switching!...One use and I saw immediate improvement in the dryness of his skin. Now, I know every baby peels, but this was different. I love this soap soooo much that I've even turned my mommy friends onto it as well. Oh, and it smells lovely! (Johnson and Johnson soap

Well, there you have it! My top faves so far!!! Hopefully this will help some of you out next time you're out shopping, trying to think of a way to make your baby feel better, or filling out a registry! Hopefully the next 3 months creates more favorites!!! 

Please leave comments and share some of your favorites! I'm always open to learning about new stuff!

Follow me on instagram @aubscash

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

New wife / New mom: double whammy & double blessings

I just married my boyfriend of about 7 years in November of last year ... We found out we were prego a month before the wedding ... Ya, the words freaked and out come to mind! Not only was I about to become a wife, but I was about to become a mommy! Needless to say ALL of the wedding planning (drama *cough cough*) didn't seem like such a big deal anymore.

I've been with my hubby for a long time now, so I figured id have the "new wife challenge" under control and focus mainly on becoming a mom ... Wrong! With becoming first time parents comes an entirely new lesson plan on getting to know one another AS PARENTS. All I can say is keep it interesting...continually let the other person know you love them even though acclimating to this new lifestyle causes MASS stress...let your husband know that he still means just as much to you as he did before the baby, if not more!...make time for date nights (this is a biggie)...pick your battles...ask for his help...communicate!...remind him that you're not crazy, that your hormones are outta whack from just having a baby. If he says, "dang, still?" Be like "yupp"!...apologize...tell your baby how much his daddy loves him when you're up for those late night feedings and you're a little heated that HE didn't get up instead (it helps trust me)...go see family a lot together with your new baby: it feels good to show off your little one as hubby and wife!...communicate (that deserves to be said twice)...think about the feelings you had on your wedding day as often as you can...most of all LOVE one another and say it all the time!

I don't claim to know it all...but I'm learning what works and what doesn't! I've only been living this "new life" for 3 months and all I can say is that I definitely count my blessings on the tough days! 

Follow me on instagram @aubscash

To blog or not to blog?...

I recently created a Facebook page called "Helpin' a Mommy Out"...However, my sister-in-law recommended I start a blog as well. I was always one of those people that thought I'd never be a "blogger"..but I am realizing that I can probably reach a greater amount of people this way..and talk about products, experiences, the baby, etcetc in a better way!

Being that I'm a new wife and mom, learning lots about the entire experience, and really enjoying helping other mommies out there (and getting tons of help/advice in return), I figure this will be right up my alley! I want to talk about everything from baby products, to being a new mom, to being a wife while being a new mom etc! This is an extremely life changing experience (as I'm sure you all know) why not talk about it!?

Follow me on instagram @aubscash